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ql identity theft attorney
Author: Jomathews Verosilove on Nov 14,2022

Hiring an Identity Theft Attorney: What You Need to Know


In the aftermath of a data breach, victims can often feel helpless. It’s up to companies and governments to take action and prevent future breaches, right? Wrong. In the real world, no fairy godmother will come to your aid. You are one of the few who have the power to take action. An identity theft lawyer could help you navigate the process of getting your life back after identity theft, as well as assist in filing for reimbursement if any fraudulent charges were made as a result of the breach. An identity theft attorney can also negotiate with financial institutions on your behalf if they refuse to remove a lien or release frozen assets until identity theft resolution services are completed. And finally, an identity theft attorney can file civil lawsuits against those responsible for data breaches and alert you if you’ve been affected so that remedial actions can be taken immediately. Let’s have a look at what you should know about hiring an identity theft attorney before such services are necessary.


What to expect when hiring an ID Theft Attorney

Depending on the nature of your breach and the amount of work that’s needed to resolve it, it’s possible to have one attorney who will assist with multiple aspects of your case: identity theft resolution, breach notification, asset retrieval, etc. If you are looking to hire an attorney who will assist with breach notification and asset retrieval, follow the same process as if you were hiring one who specializes in identity theft resolution only. If you are looking to hire an attorney who will only assist with identity theft resolution, expect the process to be more involved. The first order of business will be to discuss your situation and the extent of the damage. The attorney will also want to know the names of all the parties involved, such as the breached company, government entity, or third party that was responsible for the breach. The attorney will also want to know about any companies involved in the breach, such as credit bureaus, data brokers, credit monitoring services, or any other 3rd party that will be involved in the resolution process.


The type of services you’ll receive from an ID theft attorney

Depending on the type of service you hire the attorney for, the services that will be provided may vary. For example, if you hire an attorney who assists with breach notification, you may receive assistance with drafting letters to the breached company, each of your credit bureaus, major credit card companies, creditors, etc. Depending on the nature of your breach, an attorney can also assist with identity theft resolution, asset retrieval, asset protection, and other related services.


How to find the right ID Theft Attorney for you

Since there are so many types of attorneys available, and each one specializes in different areas, it’s important to know what you need before beginning the process of hiring an attorney. The simplest way to identify which attorney is right for you is by taking the following steps:

  • Research each attorney - When you’ve identified a few potential attorneys, research each one thoroughly. This includes reading their online reviews, talking to others who have worked with them, and getting copies of any written testimonials.
  • Define what type of attorney you need - If you’ve narrowed the field to a few candidates, find out how each one specializes. If you’re not sure, you can ask them during your first conversation with them, or you can do a bit more research.
  • Contact each attorney - You can contact each attorney via phone or email to discuss your situation and see if they can help. You don’t have to explain every detail, just say that you’ve been a victim of a data breach and are looking to hire an attorney.


What to know before hiring any attorney

If you’re in the process of hiring an attorney, you’re probably feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Make sure you don’t fall into some of the most common traps that could lead you to hire the wrong attorney and eventually hurt your chances of a positive resolution to your case. Here are a few tips to help you avoid common pitfalls:

  • Don’t hire an attorney just because your friend did - You may want to discuss your situation with a few friends and acquaintances who have hired attorneys in the past and see if they can recommend someone.
  • Don’t hire the first attorney you speak with - The attorney you think is the best for you may not be the best for you. Avoid hiring the first attorney you speak to and continue your search until you find one who is a good fit.
  • Don’t hire an overly aggressive attorney - You want to hire an attorney who is confident but not overly aggressive. You don’t want an attorney who will rush you into making a decision you don’t feel comfortable with.
  • Don’t hire an attorney who isn’t interested in helping you - You may be tempted to hire an attorney who wants to take your case but doesn’t offer any services that you need. This is a bad idea because you want an attorney who will do everything they can to help you and your case.


Tips to help find the right ID Theft Attorney for you

If you’ve followed the steps outlined above and have found an attorney who you think may be a good fit, there are a few things to keep in mind before hiring him or her. Here are a few tips to help you make the right decision:

  • Ask for references - Ask the attorney for references and call them. You can also ask for references from anyone who works for the attorney, such as their receptionist or administrative assistant. 
  • Speak with the attorney - You can also speak with the attorney to get a better idea of where they are coming from and if they are a good fit for your situation.
  • Make sure the attorney is available - It’s important to make sure the attorney is available to assist you with your case. Many attorneys work on a contingency basis, which means you won’t pay anything unless you are awarded a settlement or reimbursement.



An identity theft attorney can be a great resource for anyone who has been affected by a data breach or identity theft. An attorney can help you review your options and decide on the best course of action based on your situation. They can also protect your legal rights and make sure that any company that is responsible for the breach compensates you for any damages. By working with an attorney, you can feel more confident that your case will be handled appropriately. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily find the right attorney for your situation and be well on your way to a successful resolution.

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