Legal News

Author: Jomathews Verosilove on Oct 28,2022

What You Need To Know About Family Law Solicitors


Do you think your marriage will last forever? Or do you fear it might end in divorce? Do you and your partner share the same view when it comes to rearing children? If not, what can be done to manage friction between you on this sensitive topic? Unluckily, not all married couples are meant to stay together forever. Many marriages end up in bitter divorce. Even though the thought of divorce may be scary, especially if you have children, it’s important to know that it’s not the end of the road. You can still have a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life after divorce. Divorce may seem like the end of the road, but it’s just a new beginning. If that’s something that worries you, hiring a solicitor who specializes in family law is a good idea. This article looks at why marriage breakdown and divorce happen so often today. It also explains the reasons why you should consider getting legal advice before concluding any prenuptial agreement or undertaking any other steps toward marriage. Keep reading.


Why Does Marriage Sometimes End in Divorce?

There are several reasons why marriages end in divorce. The main reasons are incompatibility, abuse or neglect, and addiction. All these can cause a marriage to end in divorce. As mentioned above, divorce is nothing new. It’s been documented since ancient times. Abuse or neglect are terrible offenses, but they are not new. Many couples commit one of these offenses against each other, and they don’t divorce as a result. Incompatibility is the most common reason why couples end their marriages. It’s often difficult to define. It’s a feeling that the two people involved know about but is difficult to explain to others.


Things You Need To Know About Solicitors Who Specialize In

Family Law

As a person who’s about to get married, you need to know about the following before signing the marriage contract: 

  • The divorce rate is high in your country - This is a fact that you can’t escape. You need to understand that your marriage has a high likelihood of ending in divorce. Divorce is not something to be feared but something to be prepared for. 
  • Your prenuptial agreement will govern financial matters in the event of a divorce - If you get married without a prenuptial agreement, a court will decide how your assets will be divided if you divorce. You can decide the proportion in which your assets will be divided by drawing up a prenuptial agreement. 
  • Cohabitation agreements can help you decide on the care of your children - You can draw up a cohabitation agreement to decide on the care of any children you may have together. You can decide who will have custody of your children and how they’ll be reared.


Prenuptial Agreements

A prenuptial agreement is a contract you and your future spouse sign before getting married. It sets out the financial consequences of divorce in the future. Because it’s a contract, it can be enforced by a court if you and your partner don’t abide by it. A prenuptial agreement can set out any financial arrangements you’d like in the event of a divorce. It can govern how you will share your assets and any debts. It can also deal with issues like child custody and child support. With a prenuptial agreement, you can protect yourself from any financial losses in the event of a divorce. A prenuptial agreement is a contract you sign with your partner. You should get legal advice before you sign a prenuptial agreement. This ensures that you don’t inadvertently waive any of your rights.


Cohabitation Agreements

A cohabitation agreement is a contract between you and your partner if you live together but aren’t married. It helps you plan for the future and protect your assets if your relationship doesn’t work out. You can include any terms you want in a cohabitation agreement, such as who will pay rent, how you will split bills, how much you each have to save for retirement, how the property will be divided in case of a breakup, and more. Cohabitation agreements don’t exist in all jurisdictions, so you’ll need to check with a solicitor which ones do. A cohabitation agreement can set out how you’ll both contribute to the household and how your assets will be divided if you break up. If you break up, you’ll need to go to court and ask a judge to decide how your assets will be divided. You can avoid this by drawing up a cohabitation agreement. Cohabitation agreements are most common in long-term relationships. This is usually two people who live together but don’t want to get married.


Steps To Protect Your Assets During Marriage and Divorce

You can protect your assets during marriage and divorce by doing the following:

  • Hire a solicitor who specializes in family law - This is the first step you should take. It’s important to get legal advice before concluding any prenuptial agreement or undertaking any other steps toward marriage. Your solicitor will advise you on how best to protect your assets during marriage and divorce.
  • Open a separate bank account for your assets - This will allow you to keep track of your assets and make it easier for you to prove ownership should a dispute arise. It’s also a good idea to open a separate account for gifts from your partner and other items of significant value.
  • Keep meticulous records of your finances - You should maintain a record of all your financial transactions, such as gifts, inheritances, and expenses. You should have one account for all joint financial transactions and one account for all your financial transactions.



When you marry, you are committing to a life-long partnership. This means that you are responsible for each other’s happiness and well-being, even when you might not be getting what you want. When you commit to this type of partnership, you also have to acknowledge that you are responsible for each other’s happiness, which means that you have to put each other’s needs above your own. Unfortunately, not all married couples are meant to stay together forever. Many marriages end up in bitter divorce. There are several reasons why marriages end in divorce, and many of them can be avoided with careful consideration before entering into a lifelong commitment. It’s important to note that the rate of divorce has always fluctuated and that the fall in the rate since the 1990s is within the normal variation for US divorce statistics. The fall in the rate of divorce doesn’t represent a significant shift in the underlying patterns of relationship breakdown in the US. Before you get married, you need to understand the risks and how you can protect yourself during marriage and divorce. It’s important to get legal advice before concluding any prenuptial agreement or undertaking any other steps toward marriage.

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