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ql  driving while intoxicated
Author: Jomathews Verosilove on Nov 03,2022

Driving While Intoxicated? Here's What Will Happen To You


The roads at night are creepy and a little bit dangerous. This is especially true when you’re driving under the influence. Even if you’re the kind of person who never drinks before driving, you may be in danger if you drive after drinking alcohol or taking drugs. Driving under the influence is illegal in all states and can lead to arrest, fines, imprisonment, and other consequences. However, many people make this mistake once or twice without realizing the long-term implications of their actions. If you have been arrested for driving under the influence or think that an officer suspects that you have been drinking and driving, it’s important to find legal help immediately. The sooner you get in touch with a lawyer, the sooner they can start putting a defense together to try and get the charges dropped or reduced as much as possible. Driving under the influence is a serious charge, and if you’re convicted of it, it can have serious consequences, including jail time and the loss of your driver’s license. It’s important to know your rights if you are pulled over and how to act around a police officer to avoid any unnecessary escalation. In this blog post, we discuss everything you need to know about driving under the influence so that it doesn’t happen again.


What is Driving Under the Influence?

Driving under the influence commonly referred to as DUI, is a criminal act where a person is driving a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level that is above the state’s legal limit. The legal BAC for driving under the influence varies from state to state, but a BAC of .08% is the standard for all states. If a driver is suspected of drinking and driving, they may be asked to take a breath or blood test to measure their BAC level. If they fail the test, they are then arrested, fined, and may have their driver’s license suspended or revoked. There is also a chance that the person may be jailed depending on the state and the severity of the drinking and driving. The state may also impose a fine on the person who was caught driving under the influence of alcohol. Additionally, the person may have to go through a treatment program for alcohol dependence. Moreover, the driver’s license may also be suspended for a certain period. Certain steps can be taken to avoid getting caught and booked for drinking and driving. Find out if there are “ checkpoints” in your area. If there are, avoid driving through them. Stay away from places where drinking is taking place. In case you are offered a drink, politely refuse.


DUI Penalties by State

  • Jail time - If a person is convicted of driving under the influence, they may end up spending time in jail. In most states, first-offense DUI penalties include a jail term of one or two days. However, as the number of offenses increases, so does the amount of time behind bars. In many states, a third-offense DUI incurs a mandatory minimum sentence of a few weeks or months in jail. This period usually increases to a few months or even a year for a fourth DUI.
  • Fines - After a conviction for driving under the influence, the driver may also have to pay a fine. In most states, the amount of the fine depends on the severity of the offense and how many times the person has been convicted of DUI. For example, a first-offense DUI fine maybe $1,000, whereas a fourth-offense DUI fine maybe $5,000 or more.
  • Mandatory alcohol classes - Most states require drivers who have been convicted of a DUI to complete alcohol education or treatment classes as part of their penalties. In some states, the classes may be required only for first-offense DUI convictions. In other states, the classes are mandatory for all DUI convictions. In certain states, the driver may be able to complete an online alcohol education course as an alternative to attending one-on-one classes.


Why Is It so Dangerous to Drive While Drugged or Drunk?

When you drink alcohol or take drugs, your driving skills decline, and your reaction time slows. This can make it harder to drive safely, especially in difficult situations like bad weather and heavy traffic. If you drink and drive, you may be able to handle the car properly for only a short time before you become too impaired to drive safely. Tolerance for drugs varies from person to person, so it’s impossible to know when you’re too stoned to drive. 

  • Impaired coordination - Driving while drugged or drunk can cause injuries or even death to you and others on the road. If a car accident occurs while you’re driving under the influence, there is a higher chance that you will be severely injured or killed. 
  • Legal consequences - Driving while drugged or drunk can lead to serious legal consequences. A conviction for drunk or drugged driving can result in fines, jail time, and a long-term criminal record.


How Breathalyzers Work

Breathalyzers are the most common devices used to test BAC levels, although some states may use blood tests instead. Some states may have an “implied consent” law, which means that if you operate a vehicle you automatically consent to a BAC test if a police officer has probable cause to believe you are driving while intoxicated. Implied consent laws also require you to comply with any other reasonable requests made by the officer to conduct sobriety tests. To use a breathalyzer, the officer holds a device near your mouth and asks you to breathe into it. The device measures the amount of alcohol in your breath and calculates a BAC estimate based on that number. The accuracy of the device depends on how well it is maintained and whether the operator follows the manufacturer’s instructions. A person’s mouth may contain alcohol residue even if they are not drinking, which can also affect the accuracy of the results.


Roadside Tests and Prescription Medications

Certain medications, including prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications, can impair your driving ability. The best thing to do is to research the side effects of medications before driving. Some drugs, like cough syrups, have warnings on the label that they may impair driving ability. Other medications, like antidepressants, may not have labels that warn about the risk of driving under the influence. In these situations, you’ll need to find out the information from your doctor. For example, dextromethorphan, a common ingredient in cough syrups, can impair your ability to react quickly. If you’re taking antidepressants, you should be aware that some of these medications can impair driving ability.



Driving under the influence is a serious crime that puts drivers, passengers, and pedestrians at risk of injury or death. If you are caught driving under the influence and want to fight the charges, hiring a DUI lawyer can help you get the best possible outcome. DUI attorneys have extensive experience dealing with these types of cases and know how to construct a solid defense strategy to help you get the best possible outcome. The best way to avoid such risks is to avoid driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If you have been arrested for drunk or drugged driving, you should hire a lawyer as soon as possible to help you with your case.

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