Legal Topics

two car models and a lawyer at his office
Edited By Hetal Bansal on May 15,2024

Expert Car Accident Lawyers in Los Angeles: Get Legal Help

In Los Angeles, car accidents are unfortunately a common occurrence. When these accidents happen, having an expert car accident lawyer on your side can make all the difference in the outcome of your case. In this blog post, we will introduce you to some of the top car accident lawyers in Los Angeles who can provide you with the legal help you need.

Top Car Accident Lawyers in Los Angeles

1. Kevin R. Boyle

Kevin R. Boyle is a seasoned car accident lawyer in Los Angeles with years of experience representing clients in personal injury cases. He is known for his dedication to his clients and his commitment to achieving the best possible outcomes for them.

2. Bruce A. Broillet

Bruce A. Broillet is a highly respected car accident lawyer in Los Angeles who has won numerous awards for his legal work. He is known for his aggressive representation and his ability to secure substantial settlements for his clients.

3. Jesse Creed

Jesse Creed is a skilled car accident lawyer in Los Angeles who is known for his compassionate approach to his client's cases. He takes the time to listen to his clients' stories and works tirelessly to ensure that they receive the compensation they deserve.

4. Bijan Esfandiari

Bijan Esfandiari is a dedicated car accident lawyer in Los Angeles who is committed to fighting for the rights of his clients. He has a strong track record of success in personal injury cases and is known for his aggressive advocacy on behalf of his clients.

5. Robert Glassman

With more than 30 years of experience, Robert Glassman is a well-known automobile accident attorney in Los Angeles. He is renowned for his success in obtaining good results for his clients and his knowledge of personal injury law.

6. Ronald L. M. Goldman

Ronald L. M. Goldman is a well-known car accident lawyer in Los Angeles who has been recognized for his legal excellence. He is known for his meticulous attention to detail and his unwavering commitment to his client's cases.

7. Philip Michels

Los Angeles automobile accident attorney Philip Michels is renowned for vigorously defending his clients. In personal injury matters, he has a proven track record of success and is dedicated to defending his clients' rights.

8. Norman Pine

Renowned Los Angeles automobile accident attorney Norman Pine is renowned for taking a humane and sympathetic stance on his client's cases. He puts out great effort to assist his clients in getting back on their feet because he is aware of the difficulties they encounter.

9. David M. Ring

David M. Ring is a highly respected car accident lawyer in Los Angeles who has been practicing law for over 20 years. He is known for his expertise in personal injury law and his commitment to his client's cases.

10. Edward Susolik

Dedicated to representing his clients aggressively, Edward Susolik is a vehicle accident attorney in Los Angeles. In personal injury matters, he has a proven track record of success and is dedicated to defending his clients' rights.

Know the Car Insurance and Accident Laws in Los Angeles

Car insurance and motor vehicle accident laws in Los Angeles, California, are governed by specific regulations that drivers must adhere to. Understanding these laws is crucial for anyone driving in the city to ensure compliance and protect themselves in case of an accident.

Car Insurance Requirements

California law mandates that all drivers carry a minimum amount of liability insurance. The minimum coverage includes $15,000 for injury or death to one person, $30,000 for injury or death to more than one person and $5,000 for property damage. This coverage helps pay for damages and injuries to others in an accident that you are responsible for.

Fault Laws

California follows a fault-based system for car accidents, meaning that the at-fault driver is responsible for paying for the damages and injuries resulting from the accident. This system also allows for the injured party to pursue compensation through a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault driver.

Statute of Limitations

In California, there is a statute of limitations that limits the amount of time an individual has to file a lawsuit after a car accident. The statute of limitations for personal injury cases, including those arising from car accidents, is generally two years from the date of the accident.

Comparative Fault

California follows a comparative fault rule, which means that if you are partially at fault for an accident, your compensation may be reduced by the percentage of fault assigned to you. However, you can still recover damages even if you are partially at fault, as long as your percentage of fault is less than 50%.

Finding a Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyer

Finding the right car accident lawyer in Los Angeles can be crucial to the success of your case. Here are some steps to help you find the right attorney:


Start by researching motor vehicle accident lawyers in Los Angeles. Look for attorneys who specialize in personal injury law and have experience handling car accident cases.

Read Reviews

Read online reviews from past clients to get an idea of the lawyer's reputation and track record. Look for positive reviews that mention successful outcomes and satisfied clients.

Ask for Referrals

Ask friends, family, and colleagues if they have any recommendations for car accident lawyers in Los Angeles. Personal recommendations can be valuable in finding a reputable attorney.

Check Credentials

Verify the lawyer's credentials and ensure they are licensed to practice law in California. You can also check with the State Bar of California to see if the lawyer has any disciplinary actions against them.

Schedule Consultations

Once you have a list of potential lawyers, schedule consultations to meet with them in person. This will give you a chance to discuss your case and see if you feel comfortable working with them.

Ask Questions

During the consultation, ask questions about the lawyer's experience, track record, and approach to handling car accident cases. Make sure you understand their fee structure and what to expect during the legal process.

Trust Your Instincts

Ultimately, trust your instincts when choosing a car accident lawyer. Choose someone who you feel comfortable with and who you believe will advocate for your best interests.

Why Would I Require a Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyer?

Navigating the aftermath of a car accident in Los Angeles can be complex, especially when dealing with insurance companies and legal proceedings. A car accident lawyer can provide invaluable assistance by:

Legal Expertise: A lawyer understands the complexities of car accident laws in California and can navigate the legal process on your behalf.

Maximizing Compensation: A lawyer can help you seek the maximum compensation for your injuries, damages, and losses, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Negotiating with Insurance Companies: Insurance companies often try to settle for less than you deserve. A lawyer can negotiate with them to ensure you receive fair compensation.

Peace of Mind: Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident can be stressful. A lawyer can handle the legal aspects of your case, allowing you to focus on your recovery.

How to Respond to a California Car Accident Lawsuit

If someone sues you for a car accident in California, it's crucial to take immediate action. First, notify your insurance company, as they will provide you with legal representation. Do not ignore the lawsuit, as failing to respond can result in a default judgment against you. Review the lawsuit carefully and gather any relevant evidence, such as police reports, witness statements, and photos of the accident scene.

Consult with an experienced car accident attorney to understand your rights and legal options. Respond to the lawsuit within the specified timeframe and attend all court hearings. By taking these steps, you can protect your rights and effectively defend yourself against the lawsuit.


In conclusion, if you have been injured in a car accident in Los Angeles, it is important to seek the advice of an expert car accident lawyer who can help you navigate the legal process and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. With the help of one of these top car accident lawyers in Los Angeles, you can rest assured that your case is in good hands.


Can I handle a car accident case in Los Angeles without a lawyer?

While it is possible to handle a car accident case in Los Angeles without a lawyer, it is not recommended. Car accident cases can be complex, and having a lawyer on your side can ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you deserve. A lawyer can also help navigate the legal process and negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf.

How much does it cost to hire a car accident lawyer in Los Angeles?

Car accident lawyers in Los Angeles typically work on a contingency fee basis, which means they only get paid if they win your case. The fee is usually a percentage of the settlement amount, ranging from 25% to 40%. This fee structure allows anyone to hire a lawyer without having to pay upfront costs.

What happens if you are at fault in a car accident in Los Angeles?

If you are at fault in a car accident in Los Angeles, you may be held liable for damages. This means you may have to pay for the other party's medical bills, property damage, and other losses. It is important to have car insurance to cover these costs. If you are sued, your insurance company will provide you with legal representation.

This content was created by AI

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