When we hear the term “domestic violence,” what comes to mind? Perhaps a dark parking garage with a suspicious stranger lurking in the shadows. Or maybe a horror movie where a masked individual terrorizes their partner. But domestic violence is much more than an eerie image–it’s also a very real problem affecting millions of people around the world. Domestic violence refers to any type of abuse that takes place between individuals who are currently or formerly romantically connected. It can be physical, emotional, sexual, or even financial and often involves one partner exerting control over the other through manipulation and threats.
This can include spouses or exes, current partners, or people who have dated or been in relationships with each other. Domestic violence can also happen between family members, such as parents or children, or people who are related but do not live together, like cousins or in-laws. No matter what the relationship is between the people involved, domestic violence is never acceptable. If you are in a relationship with someone abusive, please know that you do not have to stay. Some people want to help you, and you do not need to feel ashamed or embarrassed. It’s important to remember that domestic violence does not just happen between two men; it can happen between two women, between a man and a woman, or within any type of relationship². So how do you know if you or someone you care about is being abused? Keep reading to learn more about the different types of domestic violence, its warning signs, and its potential effects.
Physical abuse - This type of abuse is characterized by any type of physical aggression towards a partner, including restraining, punching, kicking, biting, or even hitting with an object. Physical abuse can leave both short-term and long-term marks and can even result in death.
Sexual abuse - Sexual abuse doesn’t just refer to sexual intercourse against a person’s will; it also includes pressuring a partner into unwanted sexual acts and refusing to respect safe sex practices.
Emotional abuse - Emotional abuse can be just as harmful as physical abuse–sometimes even more so, as it can leave scars that are much harder to see. Emotional abuse consists of words and actions that seek to demean, insult and control a partner. It can include name-calling, shaming and even threatening a partner or their loved ones.
Financial abuse - A common example of financial abuse is when a partner controls their partner’s finances by refusing to let them have access to their bank account or credit card.
Emotional abuse is often seen as less “obvious” than other types of abuse, but it can be just as harmful. Emotional abuse can take many forms, but it all tends to hurt your self-esteem or emotional well-being. It might be intentional or unintentional, but it almost always leaves a negative impact on your self-esteem or emotional well-being. Emotional abuse can include name-calling, shaming, insulting, intimidation, threatening, and controlling a partner. It’s important to note that even if there aren’t obvious marks, psychological abuse can still be incredibly harmful. Emotional abuse can leave its mark by making a person feel unworthy and ashamed, or it can even cause anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and even PTSD. It can also leave its mark in the form of missed opportunities, lost income, poor health, and even the risk of domestic violence escalating to the point of physical abuse.
Sexual abuse can take many forms, including pressuring a partner into unwanted sexual acts, refusing to respect safe sex practices, sexual coercion, sexual harassment, threatening to end the relationship if a partner doesn’t comply with sexual demands, sending/sharing sexual images without permission, and using sex as a weapon. Sexual abuse can leave lasting marks on a person’s self-worth and self-confidence. While it may be difficult to see past these symptoms, it’s important to know that they are temporary and treatable. Self-help and counseling can help you to feel better about yourself and move past these symptoms. There are a few things you can do to speed up this process and make it easier. Self-care can be as simple as taking time to relax or as involved as scheduling regular counseling sessions. It can cause depression, anxiety, and even PTSD. Sexual abuse can also lead to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), unwanted pregnancies, and even the risk of developing an addiction to drugs or alcohol. It can even affect future romantic and sexual relationships.
Financial abuse is when one partner controls another partner’s finances by refusing to let them have access to their bank account or credit card, making all the financial decisions for both partners, or even withholding money from a partner. Financial abuse can leave its mark by causing a partner to live in fear, feel trapped in the relationship, and even experience shame by not being able to provide for themselves. These feelings can be just as damaging as a financial crisis if not more so. Having one partner in a relationship who feels responsible for the finances can cause stress and resentment. If you are in a relationship where one partner is responsible for the finances, be sure to talk about it. Open communication is key to any healthy relationship, but especially so when it comes to money. It can even cause a person to miss out on career and educational opportunities. Financial abuse can also lead to a partner’s credit score being negatively affected, which could affect their ability to purchase a car or house one day.
As you can see, domestic violence doesn’t just refer to physical abuse–it can also include emotional and sexual abuse, financial abuse, and more. While physical abuse is the most talked about form of domestic violence, it’s important not to forget about the other types. There are many resources available if you are experiencing any form of domestic violence. You can find help through shelters, hotlines, or other services that focus on helping people who have been abused. If you or someone you care about is currently experiencing domestic violence, know that you are not alone. There are many resources available to help you get out and stay out of an abusive relationship. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 8793088814. The Hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and helps people in multiple languages.
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